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The Embrace: A Forbidden Billionaire Romance (Broken Slipper Series Book 3) Page 8

  Strange that he has gone silent today of all days.

  The front door creaks as it opens. I look up and my mom is standing in the doorway, her arms opening wide in the suggestion of an embrace. She is already crying even as I take a step forward and hug her.

  “Mom? Are you okay?” I ask.

  She doesn’t answer right away. Instead she presses her face into my neck, squeezing me around the middle. She's trying not to make any sounds while she cries, which actually seems pretty ridiculous. I pull back from her, cupping her cheek to make her look at me.

  A dark bruise under her right eye glares back at me.

  “Did somebody hit you?” My stomach sinks. “Oh God. It was dad, wasn't it?”

  “Oh, honey.” She gives a watery, exaggerated sigh. “Your father and I had a series of arguments…”

  I touch my mom's cheek gently, but she winces anyway.

  “I’ll kill him.” I look her dead in the eye. “I really will. Where is he?”

  She shakes her head a little and pulls me in the door, closing it behind me. She leads me down a white hallway, into a tiny kitchen that looks like it came out of the seventies. Everything is brown and tan, as indistinct as it gets.

  “I’m sorry to say that I left your father,” my mom says. She hurries me over to a dingy little dining room chair, ushering me into it. She sits down opposite me and lays her hands flat across the scarred oak table in front of her. “I just wanted to tell you in person. I didn't want you to hear it from anywhere else.”

  I reach out and grab my mom's hand, gripping it. “Thank you, mom. But you know you're the only person that ever tells me anything. It's not like I would hear the news from dad.”

  She presses her lips into a thin line and frowns.

  I cock my head and examine her face. “Did you file a police report?”

  Her cheeks redden. “What? No, no. This is a private matter.”

  She seems embarrassed by her own face. I expel a breath and remind myself not to yell at her even though she is definitely getting on my nerves just now. The last thing in the world that she needs right now is someone else screaming at her. So I just smile at her patiently.

  “Okay, Mom. I just need to make myself very clear on this topic. It's not okay that dad hit you. You know that right?”

  My mom looks down at her hands, unable to meet my gaze. “It's one of the reasons I left him,” she admits gently.

  I cock an eyebrow. “Interesting,” I say, mostly because I am in unchartered waters right now. This new territory with my mom feels a little dangerous, so I proceed with caution. I look around the room, squinting a little. “Where are we? What is this place?”

  “Well,” my mother says. She never lifts her gaze from the table. “I had to leave the house. Your father and I could not come to terms that I could accept. So I came here, because it was the only place… Well, I had to be able to afford it with my savings. And this place was available right away…” She looks up at me, suddenly spearing me with her gaze. “Please don't tell your father the address. I think he is trying to find it and I don't really want to have to move again.”

  For second, I open my mouth. Then I close it again, unsure what exactly I'm about to say. “Wait, so you're hiding from dad?”

  My mother purses her lips and looks away. “Not exactly. I would just rather you didn't make it easier for him to find us here. I know it's not as fancy as what you are currently living in, but it's all I can afford right now.”

  I squeeze both her hands. “You know you don't have to worry about money. Right? You know that I would do anything to make sure you were safe.”

  My mother swallows and looked out a long breath. “I know, Kaia. I know. I'm just tired right now. And your sister is frankly driving me up the wall.”

  My eyebrows jump up. “Hazel? Where is she? Why isn't she still with dad?”

  My mom looks grim. “Your father and I had several arguments, but the most outsized one of them all was one about your sister. I was pretty adamant when I said that your sister wasn't to be married off to some older gentleman that your father owed money to. And Hazel didn’t want it either, so we left.”

  I narrow my eyes at her face. “Wait, Hazel is here?”

  My mother sucks in a breath and nods. “Yeah, apparently trying to marry her off to some old mafia connection was a bridge too far for her. When I told her I was leaving your father, she just started packing a bag.”

  “Wow.” I rock back in my chair. “So dad is just on his own now, huh?”

  Pressing her lips together, my mom nods. “I’m expecting him to show up here at any moment and throw the world’s biggest tantrum.”

  I give a humorless chuckle. “He’d better not show up here if he knows what's good for him. You have put up with so much of his crap. Now that you've thrown up a boundary, I can't wait to make sure that it's followed.”

  A door slams somewhere else in the house. I glance over my shoulder and see Hazel slink into the room. She is dressed in a black business suit and her stuck up expression tells me everything I need to know.

  She comes in, pushing her purse down on the table and sitting down with a sigh. She crosses her arms and gives me a fiery look. “Absolutely nobody is hiring right now.”

  My brows rise. “Were you intending to get a job?”

  Hazel tosses her hair and rolls her eyes. “Somebody in this house has to. And mom is not exactly interview ready… Even with all the makeup in the world, she still has that black eye.”

  I squint at my sister. “What happened of fashion school? Actually, what happened to regular old high school? I have so many questions.”

  Hazel shoots me a glare. “I’m taking some time off. I mean, my parents’ marriage is basically falling apart. My dad has gone crazy. I don't see how I have any choice in the matter.”

  I cross my arms and look between my sister and my mother. “You two can't stay here. I mean, no offense, but your house hunting skills are not the best.”

  My mom shoots me a dour look. “I had to go somewhere… Time was of the essence.”

  I consider Hazel and my mother for almost half a minute, biting my lower lip. And then I expel a long rush of air. “I can put you both up in a nice hotel while we try to figure out where you should go in the longer term.”

  My mom looks a little agitated. “You don’t have to do that, Kaia. We can figure something out.”

  I roll my eyes. “I’m sure that you can. But you don't have to. You can let me deal with some of the financial aspects of it for now.”

  Hazel sighs dramatically. “I bet you are just loving this, aren't you Kaia?”

  She stands up, reaching for her purse.

  I spread my fingers across the table, giving her a hard look.

  “Sit down, Hazel.”

  She glares at me but plunks back down into her seat. Taking a full minute, I decide to set some boundaries of my own.

  I clear my throat, considering them both. “My help comes with strings attached. The first one being that you will re-enroll in school. The second one being that you will take a job as a hostess or a waitress or a retail position, anything that will maybe teach you a little bit of humility. And the third string is that if mom even thinks about going back to dad, forgiving him for all this shit he's put us through, my support will end immediately.”

  I look at my mom, staring at her as if I could make her understand the seriousness of what I am saying. My mom frowns a little bit and her mouth twitches. Before she can respond though, my sister is already complaining.

  “You and your boyfriend can buy us a million new houses. Why would I need a job if I have you to take care of me?” Her lips twist sourly.

  “Because, Hazel. You have treated me like your servant or your personal punching bag too many times. Giving you financial support without teaching you to treat people better would not be helping you at all. I know you don’t understand, but one day, hopefully you will.”

  My mom reaches out and gr
abs my hand, squeezing it. “What if I get back together with your father though?”

  I look my mom dead in the eyes. “I’m only offering this support because I think you need it. You deserve it. But dad does not deserve anything. I don't want to give him another dime. Am I making myself clear?”

  Hazel cuts in. “Wait, back to my thing. How am I supposed to go to school and have a job at the same time?”

  I shoot her a glare. “Stop being so snotty. That's what people who grow up without privilege do. They have part-time jobs.”

  “But…” she starts to argue.

  I push myself to my feet, shaking my head. “Those are my terms. Either get with it or don't. But if you decide not to do it, let me know before I make any plans.”

  My mom stands up, looking at me as if seeing me for the first time. “We’ll do it. Hazel will go back to school and get a job. I’ll get a job too…”

  I reach out and touch my mom's arm. “If that would make you feel better, I think you should. You should make new friends and new contacts.”

  Hazel has a bratty expression on her face but she just crosses her arms and stays quiet for once. I look at her, inviting her to retort. But she just sits there glaring at me.

  It's not optimal, but it's better than what I usually hear from her.

  “Go grab your stuff,” I say. “Both of you. I need to make a phone call but after that we should head into the city proper. Then we can make a plan. Okay?”

  Hazel nods and looks down at her hands in her lap. My mom steps closer to me and gives me a little side hug, which I turn into a full embrace. Then I step away, already dialing Calum. My heart beats fast for a moment, but I already know that he will be more than understanding about this.

  “Hello?” he answers.

  Hearing his voice is such a relief. “Calum? I have a story to tell you…” I glance back at my mom and Hazel as I step out of the room. “I think you're going to like it…”


  Kaia sighs for the hundredth time since we stepped on the plane. She's sitting in a window seat, looking out over the horizon as the sun sinks lower and lower. I'm right beside her, though I did doze off for a while. Scotland is far enough away that it requires some sleep, it seems.

  I study her, wondering if I need to draw her attention away from her thoughts. No doubt she is still ruminating over her family issues.

  Her honey hair falls down her shoulders, her body is exquisite in the slinky black camisole and black leggings she wears. Simple but elegant. But there is a look on her face, a faraway gazing frown that makes me feel a little anxious. It is catching, apparently.

  I reach across her lap and take her hand, tugging it. She startles and looks at me, surprised.

  “I didn't know that you were awake,” she says, pushing her hair back behind her ears. “I’m sorry. I wasn't trying to ignore you.”

  I shrug a shoulder. “You didn't inconvenience me in the least. I was just wondering what was going on in your world. It seems like a lot.”

  Her mouth pulls down into a gentle frown. She sucks in a deep breath and then releases a gust of air.

  “I’m just trying to get a handle on my mom leaving my dad. I just… I never thought I would actually happen. And then they only resettled into the Hotel Esquire yesterday morning…” She wrinkles her nose. “It's just awkward timing for us to take off to Great Britain, that's all.”

  I tilt my head to the side, pursing my lips. “This is the only weekend that you have off for a while. And it just so happens that Keir invited us to come visit a few weeks ago…” I shrug my shoulders and shake my head. “It's the only time in the foreseeable future that we could both get away from work and Keir would be at home.”

  Kaia pulls the face. “How do you know this Keir guy again?”

  “When I first started IndicaTech, he was brought in as a source of guidance. Keir started several new generation payment systems. FriendPay, for instance. He and I hit it off right away. He has earned several billion more dollars than I have. Oh, and we remain members of the same tiny gentlemen’s club.”

  She raises a brow. “Oh?”

  “Yes. Heaven and Hell. It’s…” I trail off, pursuing my lips. “How do I even start to describe it?”

  There is a measured pause before she speaks up. “Is this one of the strip clubs you hung out at before you met me?”

  I swirl the whiskey around in my glass. “Less strip club, more sex club. But yes, that’s generally the vibe.”

  “Oh.” She looks down, seeming uncertain. “Honestly, you’re the only person I’ve ever had sex with. The only person I’m interested in, even. So what am I supposed to say to that?

  “Don’t be weird,” I chide her gently. “I went there a couple of times and found out that it wasn’t for me. When I met you, a lot of my priorities changed. Okay?”

  She wrinkles her nose. “I guess.”

  I slides her a sly look. “Maybe I’ll take you there some time. If you’re good. But you have to let me tell you things without getting jealous.”

  She rolls her eyes at me but smiles. “You wish I was jealous, Calum.”

  I give her a devilish grin. “Maybe. It sounds hot.”

  “I’m more worried about my mom and Hazel. Now there are more people to worry about than just you and me.”

  I squeeze her hands and then let it go, picking up my glass tumbler of whiskey instead. Taking a sip, I give her my opinion. “It'll be all right. Besides, there is no way that your dad is going to show up out of nowhere. I hired a private investigator to follow him around. And I hired a security team to stay on the floor of the hotel where your mom and sister are. I think between the PI and the security team, your mom and sister will be fine.”

  She heaves another sigh. “I know. You covered all your bases as usual. Unfortunately, that doesn't settle my nerves.” A uniformed stewardess makes her way up from the back of the plane. “Excuse me. If you don't mind, we are officially making our final descent as we arrive in Scotland.”

  I incline my head and Kaia leans forward within a warm smile. “Thank you,” she says.

  I fasten my seat belt as I look at her with a sigh. “You can call your mother when we get to the castle. Okay?”

  Kaia looks at me, smiling faintly. “I know. And I know that you just want the best for me. I promise that I'll try to relax and let this weekend be fun.”

  She leans her head against my arm and the plane begins its descent. It's takes a good couple of hours of driving out of the city and far up into the green foothills of some area. But by the time we are arriving at the Castle, Kaia is practically pressed against the window, her eyes lit up with excitement.

  “It's so beautiful here,” she says. The rolling hills, a little mist, and everything is so verdant…”

  “Just wait until you see the castle itself. It should be down this little road, any second now…”

  We drive around several twists and turns, going gently upward all the while. And then suddenly we make a turn and Kaia gasps.

  Before us rises an actual castle, something straight out of a history textbook.


  Made out of light gray stone, the castle has four large turrets and a rather large keep. It’s set back into a hill and it looks very intimidating even in the mid-morning light. As we pull around the circular driveway, I stare at the castle, slack-jawed.

  “I can’t believe that you know the owner of this place,” I breathe, pressing a hand against the car window.

  Calum squints as he pulls the car to a stop. “Speak of the devil and he shall appear.”

  He nods to a figure emerging from the front door. Incredibly tall, blond, and broad-chested, he cuts a striking figure indeed.

  Calum gets out of the car and I do too. Calum approaches the man, offering him a handshake. “Keir.”

  He says it in a lilting tone, rhyming it with fire. Keir squints and shakes Calum’s hand. “Calum.”

  Keir swings his gaze around to me, his express
ion unreadable. “Ye must be Kaia. Welcome to Drumman Castle.”

  Giving Calum a pointed look, I smile and hurry forward. “It’s so nice to be here, Keir. Thank you for having us.”

  Keir waves a hand. “Think nothing of it.”

  As he speaks, a little girl with bright red hair bursts out of the castle, running straight into Keir’s legs. Keir grunts but doesn’t move or otherwise emote.

  The little girl grins at us, not shy in the least. “Hello!” she shrieks. “Da said you were coming today and I just gave my minder the slip to come see you!”

  I blink. The loud volume of her voice doesn’t seem to faze Keir, who drops a hand to the top of her head and sighs. “Calum, Kaia. This is my daughter Isla.”

  Eye-la. I make a note to remember how to say her name. Smiling, I bend down. “Hello, Isla. How are you?”

  She scowls at me. “You talk funny.”

  Isla shakes her head and turns away, pouting. I look up at Keir, perplexed.

  He just drops his big palm on top of her head. “She doesn’t care much for women.”

  Calum sidles up beside me, casually wrapping am arm around my waist. “Are you still having trouble getting good help out here?”

  Keir’s mouth flattens and he looks off. “Yes. She’s scared off two nannies, three cooks, and the butler. I’m sorry to say that leaves us quite short staffed here.”

  Calum nods, squeezing me around the middle. “I think we will manage.”

  “Do you need help with your bags?” Keir asks.

  Calum shakes his head. “I’ll come back down here and fetch them later. In the meantime, show us around your castle, Keir.”

  Keir turns and walks inside. I take Calum’s hand and follow him into the dank, cramped halls of the castle.

  “Watch yer head,” Keir warns us. We continue down a droughty hallway; Keir ducks at the end of it as he pushes open a big oak door.

  Calum ducks too, stepping through the doorway. I follow him, stopping short.